Aceros de nitruración

Nitriding consists of a thermal treatment whereby the steel shows a high surface-hardening, protecting it against wear.
That hardness and the thickness of the hard layer depend on the type of steel, temperature and application time.

Talleres Pena has a nitriding furnace, which is controlled by a computer programme of Nitrex Technology, specially developed for the treatment of plastification cylinders and screws. This ensures the exhaustive control of the process and the excellent quality of our products.

The most commonly nitrided steels used by Talleres Pena are:

  • DIN 41CrAlMo7 equivalent to 1.8509
  • DIN 31CrMoV9 equivalent to 1.8519
  • DIN 34CrAlNi7 equivalent to 1.8550
  • DIN 14CrMoV6-9 equivalent to 1.7735
  • DIN 15CrMoV5-9 equivalent to 1.8521





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